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Committee of Management
The Committee of Management is the legally constituted body that administers and manages Hughesdale Kindergarten Inc. The Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting and is responsible for the managing of the Kindergarten centre throughout their elected term of office.
Hughesdale Kinder is a parent run, not-for-profit community kinder with a proud history of providing high quality education to children of Hughesdale and surrounds for over 70 years. We rely completely on the efforts each year of our wonderful parents to form the Committee of Management. Please see below for position descriptions for each role.
Position Descriptions
This role is strongly supported by the Vice President, creating a combined team position and involves regular contact with each other. This role is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the running of the Kindergarten including:
Acting as the ‘Head of the Organisation’, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, or equivalent, with respect to laws, regulations and other requirements governing the delivery of the service and the conduct of its members and employees.
Acting as the official spokesperson or representative for the Committee
Direct and support strategic planning for the Kindergarten.
Ensuring that the Kindergarten is aware of and fulfils the requirements of the Constitution, the Kindergarten Funding Guide and the Education and Care Services National Regulations.
Liaising with staff and parents, supporting staff.
Facilitating and chairing Committee meetings
A position on the Executive Committee and Staffing Sub-Committee
A point of contact for complaints, grievances and feedback from families.
Recommended contact with kinder/staff: Daily phone/email contact, and as required.
Recommended communication with Committee/Executive: phone/email contact, or as required. Up to 2-3 hours per week.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Vice President – Operations, Governance & Quality
This role is strongly supported by the President and the Executive Committee, creating a combined team position. The role stands in for the President at any time they are unavailable and the role also includes the following:
Chairing committee meetings in the absence of the President.
Developing communications for the kinder community in collaboration with the Executive Committee.
Being familiar with the National Quality Framework.
Overseeing and updating the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) on a regular basis by seeking input from Committee and Staff in partnership with the President.
Identifying quality improvement opportunities and implementing such opportunities to enable to kinder to operate more efficiently and effectively.
Liaison with the Department of Education for any operational matters or quality reviews/audits.
Managing Kindergarten Policies to ensure compliance.
Overseeing the update of Kindergarten Policies in accordance with due dates and ELAA templates.
Communicate policy updates and changes to the Policy Sub-committee.
Lead the Policy Sub-committee group which is expected to meet approx. 3 times a year or as required.
Where risks are identified by the Executive Committee, to lead reviews on particular processes or functions to identify risks and opportunities for improvement.
Work closely with the Office Administrator on reporting and operational requirements (eg. KIM, annual confirmation and audits, emergency management plans, general day-to-day operations).
A point of contact for complaints, grievances and feedback from families.
Oversight of kindergarten operational expenditures in partnership with the President.
A position on the Executive Committee
Recommended contact with kinder/staff: Daily phone/email contact, and as required.
Recommended communication with Committee/Executive: phone/email contact, or as required. Up to 2-3 hours per week.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Vice President – Human Relations
This role is strongly supported by the President, creating a combined team position and involves regular contact with each other. The Vice-President stands in for the President at any time he or she is unavailable and includes:
Managing the recruitment and appointment of staff.
Developing position descriptions, managing changes to staff terms & conditions.
Providing support to and monitoring the performance of the staff
Weekly contact with the Educational Leader.
Maintaining personnel records.
Arranging emergency relief staff & maintaining their records.
Ensuring positive employer/employee relations.
A position on the Executive Committee & Staffing Sub-Committee.
The staffing liaison officer (e.g. advocate for staffing needs with committee)
A point of contact for complaints, grievances and feedback from families.
Overseeing & updating the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) with the President
Oversight of organisation staffing expenditure
Recommended contact with kinder/staff: Daily phone/email contact, and as required.
Recommended communication with Committee/Executive: phone/email contact, or as required. Up to 2-3 hours per week.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
The role of the Secretary is to ensure the smooth functioning of the Committee of Management. The Secretary is responsible for coordinating and documenting communication between the Committee, staff and parents by keeping organised records, and often acts as a reference point for the committee members; clarifying past practice and decisions; confirming requirements; and retrieving relevant documentation. This role includes: 1. Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and documented:
Receiving agenda items from committee members and staff.
Ensuring agendas are prepared and circulated prior to meetings.
Notifying all relevant people of meeting dates and times.
Recording and circulating minutes and keeping the minute records up to date.
Uploading minutes and reports onto the kinder SharePoint.
Maintaining the correspondence register via the minute records.
Checking that agreed actions are carried out.
2. Maintaining effective communication, records and administration:
Keeping up-to-date contact details (i.e. names, addresses and telephone numbers) for the management committee and (where relevant) ordinary members of the organisation.
Reviewing and updating the kinder Yearly Operations Calendar as necessary.
Liaising with Kindergarten staff and Committee members regarding general administrative issues.
Arranging the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
3. Upholding legal requirements:
Acting as custodian of the organisation's governing documents.
Checking quorum is present at meetings.
Ensuring elections are in line with procedures stipulated in the Constitution.
A position on the Staffing Sub-Committee formed in relation to staff matters.
A position on the Executive Committee.
Sitting on appraisal, recruitment and disciplinary panels, if required.
The Secretary, (formerly a separate title of Public Officer was appointed for this role), is the representative of the Kindergarten Association to Consumer Affairs Victoria (myCAV). According to the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, in addition to the duties listed above the Secretary ensures:
The Committee members acknowledge and agree to the Kindergarten Association’s Constitution including purposes and rules (Code of Conduct).
The Association’s name, purpose and rules is updated according to current legislation and ELAA guidelines and reported to Consumer Affairs Victoria.
The members’ rights and obligations are met which includes access to Committee meeting minutes as well as minutes of General Meetings, (including financial statements submitted at a General Meeting)
Appropriate procedures are followed for the process of appointment and termination of the Secretary and for the resignation/cessation of membership.
The in-coming Secretary’s name and address must be registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria within 14 days of every change-over.
The Secretary should have access to a computer. Specific details of the duties of the Secretary are also detailed in the Kindergarten’s Constitution.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
This role is responsible for ensuring accurate financial management of the Kindergarten. The Kindergarten employs appropriately qualified bookkeeping and administration staff to support the role of Treasurer. The Treasurer is responsible for:
Approval of creditor payments.
Fortnightly reconciliation between payroll records and timesheet.
Monitoring of bank account balances
Reviewing monthly bank reconciliations.
Reviewing and presenting financial reports including Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet to the Committee on a monthly basis.
Ensure the organisation complies with tax regulations, such as GST, lodging monthly IAS & quarterly BAS.
Preparing the annual Budget with Bookkeeper.
Reviewing the year-end file and financial report for audit.
Lodging the year-end financial reports with the regulatory body.
Key contact for ATO, ACNC and Kindergarten’s bank.
Annual submission of financial statements to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
Monthly review of payroll records and expenditure.
A position on the Executive Committee.
Recommended contact with kinder/staff: Daily phone/email contact, and as required.
Recommended communication with Committee/Executive: phone/email contact, or as required. Up to 2-3 hours per week.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Enrolment Officer - 4YO
This position is responsible for managing 4YO enrolments and all associated tasks including:
Manage the current year enrolment list and monitor the upcoming year’s waitlist (Lists are emailed from the Preschool Support Officer at the council).
Liaising with Monash Preschool Officers regarding enrolment lists, withdrawals and new placements etc.
Confirming following year timetable, group sizes, term fees and number of required second year places with Monash City Council.
Attending meetings/training sessions with Monash City Council as required (approximately 2).
Providing a monthly report to the Committee regarding status of enrolments, both current year and waitlist/upcoming year lists.
Liaise with Treasurer in relation to acceptance of deposits.
Complying with privacy policy of the Kindergarten.
Answer telephone & email queries from people regarding 4-year-old enrolments.
Assist and provide input in the development of new Kindergarten Timetable as required.
Review current 3YO lists to ensure all kinder families are registered for 4YO Kinder.
Send out letters of placement for the next year’s 4-year-old groups as per the enrolment policy.
Liaise with teachers regarding groups once all positions filled,
Inform families to first register their child’s details with Monash City Council.
Liaise with 3-year-old enrolment officer as necessary.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Enrolment Officer - 3YO
The 3YO Enrolment Officer is responsible for managing 3YO enrolments and all associated tasks. This role includes:
Manage the current year enrolment list and monitor the upcoming year waitlist (Lists are emailed from the Preschool Support Officer at the council).
Liaising with Monash Preschool Officers regarding enrolment lists etc.
Attending meetings/training sessions with Monash City Council as required (approximately 2).
Providing a monthly report to the committee regarding status of enrolments, both the current year and waitlist/upcoming year lists.
Liaise with Treasurer in relation to acceptance of deposits.
Complying with privacy policy of the Kindergarten.
Answer telephone & email queries egarding 3-year-old enrolments
Assist and provide input in the development of new Kindergarten Timetables.
Send out letters of placement for the next years 3-year-old groups as per the enrolment policy.
Liaise with teachers regarding groups once all positions filled.
Inform families to first register their child’s details with Monash City Council.
Liaise with 4-year-old enrolment officer as necessary.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Maintenance Officer
The Maintenance Officer is responsible for arranging one working bee each term. The Maintenance Officer’s role includes:
Ensuring that any repairs carried out are satisfactory.
Preparing maintenance report for Committee meetings.
Attending and supervising working bees.
It is helpful in this position for the holder to be hands on with the execution of repairs and work required.
Not Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Purchasing Officer
The Purchasing Officer’s role includes:
Maintaining stationery supplies (e.g. envelopes).
Maintaining kitchen supplies (e.g. biscuits, tea, coffee).
Maintaining toiletry, first-aid supplies, sunscreen, and purchasing any special items required by teachers.
Purchasing display books and coloured folders for AGM.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Social Coordinator
The Social Coordinator is responsible for planning, organising and coordinating social and fundraising events during the year.
The Social Coordinator’s role includes: 
Organising and chairing fundraising sub-committee meetings for each term.
Coordinating a calendar of fundraising activities without the pressure of financial targets but with the aim of 1-2 activities per term.
Delegating work as necessary to share the workload.
Liaising with staff on timing of events to avoid disruption to programs.
Providing notice about up-coming events to the Marketing Officer.
Encouraging participation throughout the Kindergarten community.
Preparing a fundraising financial and activity report for monthly Committee meetings (assisted by bookkeeper).
Reporting progress of fundraising meetings to the monthly Committee meetings.
Liaise directly with the Treasurer and or Bookkeeper for banking and expenditure. 
The Social Coordinator’s role is strongly supported by a six to eight person Fundraising Sub-Committee.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting ​
Marketing Officer
This position assumes responsibility for the general marketing of the kindergarten to the broader community. Duties include:
Update and implement the marketing plan for Hughesdale Kindergarten in collaboration with the Executive sub-committee to specifically promote Open Day, Enrolments and AGM activities.  This includes coordinating and advertising the Kindergarten's Open Day (advertising board, leaflets, google ads and social media). 
Ensure brand consistency across our various marketing platforms such as webpage, social media, newsletter, etc.
Oversee Social Media updates.
Liaise with IT about webpage updates, Google AdWords, etc.
Producing the newsletter: typing, collating and formatting information, news and dates at the agreed frequency.
It is helpful if the marketing officer has access to a computer and has basic knowledge of Mail Chimp, JotForm, Canva etc. Also, they have word processing and computer skills. This person is required to attend monthly Committee meetings.
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
IT Officer
The IT Officers role includes: 
Being on call to help staff with IT issues such as software or hardware problems. 
Advising staff on system requirements. 
Updating the Kindergarten’s website
General maintenance of the Kindergarten's website
Being knowledgeable in setup and administration of IT infrastructure (mainly Office 365 and SharePoint), computer systems, backup, software, Internet, networking, and be able to assist staff in these areas.
Maintaining software licensing and registration. 
Data protection and security. 
Reviewing and identifying opportunities to improve IT related processes. 
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Digital Consultant
The Digital Consultant’s role includes: 
Supporting the IT Officer in their role including liaising with staff regarding IT related issues, website maintenance and any general IT tasks.
Being on call to help staff with IT issues such as software or hardware problems. 
Advising staff on system requirements. 
General maintenance of the Kindergarten's website
Being knowledgeable in setup and administration of IT infrastructure (mainly Office 365 and SharePoint), computer systems, backup, software, Internet, networking, and be able to assist staff in these areas.
Maintaining software licensing and registration. 
Data protection and security. 
Reviewing and identifying opportunities to improve IT related processes. 
Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Fundraising Sub-Committee
A minimum of 8 representatives selected from each kinder group form the Fundraising Sub-Committee, which is headed by the Social Coordinator. The Fundraising Sub-Committee’s role includes:
Informing parents in their respective groups about up-coming events.
Encouraging participation throughout their respective Kindergarten group.
Attending monthly fundraising / parent group meetings.
Supporting the Social Coordinator.
Not Required at Monthly Committee Meeting
Social Representatives
Social representatives are an important role to help foster relationships between families. They are responsible for planning social outings including park plays & parents dinners etc for their group outside of kinder times. Each kinder group requires its own Social Representative.
Not Required at Monthly Committee Meeting